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Writer's pictureDee Smith (Thyalwaysseek)

Are We All Sinners? Understanding the Meaning of Sin

Are we all sinners? Well to answer that question we first have to understand exactly what sin is, unlike the claims of the misinformed or purposely deceitful clergy sin is not an action but rather the result of an action that goes against Divine Law. What each soul must understand is that the Universe is governed by Divine Laws which cannot be changed for these laws were created when the Universe was brought into existence from the Mind of the All. A soul stores up sin every time it moves out of alignment of these Divine Laws. If we look to the symbolism of Moses receiving the commandments from God note how they are written on stone tablets, this symbolises that Divine Laws are set in stone because they are unchanging. The Quran also states that Moses was given the commandments on stone tablets.

The Kolbrin Bible relays these Divine Laws in this way.

2:20: “The True God neither rewards nor punishes, for He has established the Law, whereby each man decrees his own fate. The future destiny and circumstances of the soul are shaped in the earthly body. When, in the hour of it's release, the soul takes flight, freed from its earthly container of flesh, it assumes the form moulded by its desires. In that awesome day of reckoning, the wicked shall be revealed in their hideous shapelessness, but the upright shall step forward in splendor.”

2:21: “Therefore, give due respect to the Law of God; walk in His ways, and bow to His decrees. You are placed on Earth that His purpose may be fulfilled. Therefore fight not against His will, nor rebel against His laws, lest you bring about your own destruction. God will not destroy the transgressor of His Law, for he will destroy himself. Each man ultimately decrees his own fate and receives his reward or punishment, according to the Law.” - The Kolbrin Bible (Egyptian Texts of the Bronze Book - Chapter 2: Nature of the True God)

So it is in error that people believe God is forever judging each man based on his own personal feelings, though it is human nature to personify our Creator and attach to Him our own character traits. We are forever reducing God down to our own humaness because it makes it easier to understand Him. Even labelling our Creator as He is incorrect because the Creator is actually formless and androgynous however most religious texts are simplified for the common man and as the human male is more physically powerful than the female it seems more symbolically apt to attribute those traits of male strength to the omnipotent power of our Creator. So although I refer to God as He in truth I am just defaulting to the Creator's male attributes for the purpose of relaying information in a less complicated way, I also do have a personal preference in personifying our Creator and seeing Him as a Fatherly entity.

So let us return to the misconception of a vengeful God who judges souls merely due to his own personal opinion of them, the truth is that each soul is responsible for their own sin and ultimate destruction if they continue to wantonly transgress these Divine Universal Laws. These laws are basic to understand and are often known as the seven deadly sins or the ten commandments and it really can be reduced to any deceitful or selfish and indulgent action. Instinctively we know when we have transgressed these Divine Laws because we don't feel good about our behavior or we try to find a way to excuse or justify what we did. That is our soul communicating to us which is why we feel it in our gut where our soul resides and it then relays that feeling to our intellect and mind which is seated in our soul and we either make an effort to correct ourselves otherwise known as repenting or redeeming ourselves or our mind tries to find a way to excuse and justify our behavior ignoring our soul's guidance and we continue on in the same behavior. It is also important to know the intellect can actively sever itself off from the soul so those gut feelings can not be relayed to the intellect, these humans are what modern civilization calls psychopaths.

So what exactly is sin if it is not a behavior but a result of behavior. The most accurate way to view sin is to see it as weight in the soul. When a soul moves out of alignment with Divine Law it creates weight in the soul.

This verse from Hebrews 12:1 alludes to this.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, - Hebrews 12:1

This is also why the Ancient Egyptians symbolically depicted the heart being weighed against the feather. We can also see the weighing of the heart relayed in this Bible verse from Proverbs 24:12:

If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,” does not He who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not He who guards your life know it? Will He not repay everyone according to what they have done? - Proverbs 24:12

The feather symbolises the intellect which is where our free will to choose our actions originates and the aethereal heart is where our sin is stored up, the verse from Luke 6:45 relays how we store up our deeds in our aethereal heart and how our words project that which is stored in our hearts.

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. - Luke 6:45

The Ancient Egyptians also symbolically relayed that if a soul does not pass the weighing of the heart at the end of the Great Year it cannot move into the Golden Age of the following Great Year which the Ancient Egyptians called Sekhet-Aaru, the destination for all souls who had passed the weighing of the heart and were granted rebirth. These souls with hearts that did not pass the weighing were consigned to the abyss which was symbolised by the devourer of souls Ammit and the soul's identity is erased, this is also what is known as the second death. We can see similar references to the weighing of the heart in the Christian symbolism of the Last Judgement as it is also mentioned in this verse from 1 Corinthians 4:5

Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God. -1 Corinthians 4:5

This weighing of the soul is also symbolised in Christianity by the depiction of Archangel Michael holding the scales to weigh the souls of people on Judgement Day.

The Archangel Michael is also represented in the Tarot on the Judgement Card which is number 20, in the decoding of the Tarot symbolism in the Mystery Teachings of Ancient Egypt we see the number 20 is associated with the aethereal heart.

The Ancient Greeks also relay this weighing of souls in their own mythologies which was known as Psychostasia, in one myth Zeus determines the fates of Hector and Achilles by weighing their souls on his golden scales.

Not only does the weight of sin in our aethereal hearts determine whether a soul will continue on to be reincarnated in the next Great Year after the Last Judgement but it also determines our place on the aethereal plane in between each physical incarnation. The less sin a heart contains the higher on the plane in the aethereal realm the soul dwells.

This Hermetic Text describes it as such:

Hearken, O Asclepios. When the soul is separated from the body, she passes under the supreme power of Deity, to be judged according to her merits. If found pious and just she is allowed to dwell in the divine abodes, but if she appears defiled with vice she is precipitated from height to depth, and delivered over to the tempests and adverse hurricanes of the air, the fire, and the water. - Treatise on Initiations: Hermes

Now let us look into the symbolism behind the Genesis Bible verse regarding sinful Eve eating the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge. To begin with nowhere in the verse does it relay that what Eve did was sinful, however let's look more deeply into the symbolic meaning behind this verse. Before Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge they were completely innocent because they did not have access to any knowledge or understanding of themselves, this is symbolically relating to them not having self awareness and without self awareness a soul cannot sin, once they possessed knowledge they were self aware and then had the ability to transgress Divine Law. This is why a baby cannot be a sinner because a baby is not self aware and therefore can not consciously act in a way that creates sin. It is only when the child is self aware and has an understanding of their place in their environment that they can choose to act in deceit. However the deceit of a child not telling the truth to escape punishment or to secretly take a sweet from the candy jar is very different to the deceit of an adult soul who has full self awareness and continually chooses to act against Universal Law.

Babies are also not born sinners as some misguided or deceitful clergy teach their flock, each physical incarnation of a soul begins with a clean slate however at Last Judgement at the end of the Great Year all our deeds during our collective incarnations will be brought into account.

The Zohar explains it in this way:

"All souls must undergo transmigration; and men do not understand the ways of the Holy One (blessed be He). They know not that they are brought before the tribunal both before they enter into this world and after they leave it. They know not the many transmigrations and hidden trials which they have to undergo, nor do they know the number of souls and spirits which enter into the world, and which do not return to the Palace of the Heavenly King. Men do not know how the souls revolve like a stone which is thrown from a sling. But the time is drawing nigh when these hidden things will be revealed" - (ii. 99). The Zohar

So are we all sinners? Yes, every soul will collect sin during their physical incarnations however the difference is whether a soul makes amends and works to redeem oneself when they have acted in error and then endeavors to do better.

As John 5:17 says:

All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin that does not lead to death. - 1 John 5:17

I will finish with this teaching from The Kolbrin Bible which warns against a soul being deceived by the illusion of the physical world and living a life motivated only by serving materialism and physical desires.

6:26: They have been deceived by the trap of earthly conditions; they have fallen prey to the alluring phantoms of the senses. They are entangled in a net of delusion; they wander in the deep fog of illusion. They are slaves to their urges, captives of their cravings, they are bound and helpless in a chariot drawn by runaway horses, carried swiftly towards the yawning abyss.

6:27: Weak men become drunk with the heady draughts of power and riches; they are carried away by their own arrogance and conceit. They try to turn earthly conditions towards serving their own ends and struggle futilely against The Law. Willing slaves of arrogance and selfishness, helpless victims in the stormy seas of rage, lust and violence, these servants of evil hate the divinity within themselves. They hate and fear the small still voice inside. They stifle it, they smother it under the loud clamour of gaiety. They seek solace in strong wine, in sense-stimulating entertainment and in spirit-poisoning drugs. Stand aside, let them be carried swiftly to the place of sorrow and vain regret. - The Kolbrin Manuscripts – (Celtic Texts of the Coelbook: Chapter 6 – Book of the Silver Bough)

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