''The world we live in is a world of effects. Around us, but
invisible, are the worlds of causation. They are the realities,
while the visible, which lives through the power of the invisible,
is the illusion. No matter how deeply we study the material arts
and sciences, we can never find out the real cause of anything.
Science is still seeking and will continue to search indefinitely for
a real foundation upon which to work.
The four great questions upon which all knowledge should be
based remain unanswered, and science is forced to admit that
they are beyond the scope of modern mentality. What is life?
What is consciousness? What is force? What is mind? None can
answer, for these are invisible things, incapable of being
measured or analyzed, consequently no material mind incapable
of reason beyond the point of concrete vision will ever solve
their riddle.
If we would step across the line which divides the true from
the false, the spiritual from the material, the eternal from the
temporal, we must realize that the Mystery Schools were
established in the world so that this transition might be possible.
Through the special instruction and understanding gained by
membership and graduation from these institutions, man is
enabled to become a citizen of two worlds, for the schools
themselves are of two worlds. Their gateways are in the material
world, otherwise none would know that they exist; but the
temples themselves are in the spiritual substances of Nature. In
order to reach these temples, candidates must learn to function in
the so-called invisible substances. The worlds of causation are
invisible only because they are beyond the range of our sense
perceptions. By certain forms of culture, however, it is possible
to develop sense perceptions at present latent in the average
individual. These senses, being more highly evolved than those
we ordinarily use, are capable of studying and exploring the so called causal worlds.
As power is given to man commensurate to his wisdom and
understanding, it is not safe at the present time to reveal to the
world at large the methods whereby entrance to the invisible
world is possible. If this knowledge were given to selfish people
unprepared for their responsibility, they would be able to
destroy the universe, either through perversion or ignorance. In
order to protect this sacred wisdom obstacles have been placed in
the way of its attainment which only the sincere and courageous
would be strong enough to overcome. Years of service, self purification
and self-mastery must be passed through before any
candidate will be admitted to the path of wisdom.''
- What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of its Disciples by Manly Hall
"If this knowledge were given to selfish people
unprepared for their responsibility, they would be able to
destroy the universe, either through perversion or ignorance." ...I have to say I strongly disagree with this, no mortal or divine human has the power to destroy the universe or God and the universe is the Creator, everything exists within the All. We know that those who have taken power in these times have possession this knowledge and yet they are still impotent compared to the power of the All Mighty.
This verse from the Gospel of Philip explains that even though the evil in control of our world may believe themselves to be in control it is still within the divine plans of God and everything is going according to His will.
The rulers thought that it was by their own power and will that they were doing what they did, but the Holy Spirit in secret was accomplishing everything through them as it wished. Truth, which existed since the beginning, is sown everywhere. And many see it being sown, but few are they who see it being reaped. - Gospel of Philip
The destined paths are already before us, everything that is happening now was part of the plan for humanity however humanity chose this path for themselves as a collective and humanity will suffer the consequences for choosing this path too.
I admire Manly P Hall as being one of the great philosophers of the modern world but the first lesson in being a philosopher is that we test everything against our own intellect and understanding of the Ancient Teachings (purposely deceiving seekers was a way the Freemasons occulted knowledge too). There are many things that Manly P Hall says that does not align with the Ancient Knowledge so we must ensure we aren't just repeating them because he said them.
“Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled. ... The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry.”- Albert Pike, 33rd degree Freemason “Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry” (pp. 104, 105 and 819)