With gentle art and charm, You claimed my heart, gradually, gradually
And hollowed me out of my self, gradually, gradually.
You draw the soul to Yourself, kindling a flame within the heart
Much akin to a rope being pulled, gradually, gradually.
Your aim it seems, is for me to be a sacrifice on Your path
Pulling the heart to take my soul, gradually, gradually.
Your love found home within my heart, its city wholly seized
It liberated me from my existence, gradually, gradually.
To Your love, my heart I gave, indifferent now to worldly charm
Severing the thread of life from the body, gradually, gradually.
So deep my contemplation, I became You, from head to toe
You came little by little, and I left, gradually, gradually.
To You, my heart and soul I pledged, and vanished from the stage
I retreated from Your alleyway, gradually, gradually.
Fayḍ Kashani (Dīwān)

That's really beautiful ❤️
Sorry it took so long to approve it doesn't give me a notification of pending posts unless I go to the site dashboard (which I only check once a week), I've changed the settings so you shouldn't need approval to post next time.