"From like beginning rise all men on earth, for there is one Father of all things; one is the guide of everything. 'Tis He who gave the sun his rays, and horns unto the moon. 'Tis He who set mankind on earth, and in the heavens the stars. He put with in our bodies spirits which were born in heaven. And thus a highborn race has He set forth in man. Why do ye men rail on your forefathers? If ye look to your beginningand your author, which is God, is any man degenerate or base but he who by his own vices cherishes base things and leaves that beginning which was his?" - The Consolation of Philosophy By Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius Translated from the Latin By W. V. Cooper

Artwork: Adoration of the Holy Trinity by Johann Heinrich Schönfeld with Kabbalah Tree of Life overlay