Posting articles here as we move closer to a completely tyrannical system where all who oppose the narrative are seen as extremists and a threat to the state.
What the fuck did I just watch?'s so surreal to see them play this hostile takeover of the US government so openly attention to what he says @6:38 in reply to the reporter asking him if it's a hostile take over..."Americans voted for major government reform and that's what they are going to get"....we're here folks, shit is about to get real and it's going to escalate very rapidly ....and that poor little boy, imagine making a child that age stand there for half an hour, the child seemed drugged to me, what child that age never speaks and vocalizes all the time, poor little angel.
Just watching that part @22.02 again, that child is definitely being coached, it was completely staged that Musk would put him on his shoulders and get him to stick his fingers in his ears to represent the ignorant Americans who refuse to listen to what's really happening. Then the child is told to give the thumbs down, we know that is a Roman symbol for death.
Elon Musk denied leading a "hostile takeover" of the US government and defended his cost-cutting plans as he made a surprise first appearance at the White House on Tuesday.
"The people voted for major government reform and that's what the people are going to get," he said. "That's what democracy is all about."
"I fully expect to be scrutinised," he added. "It's not like I think I can get away with something." Yeah right
But it's for our safety folks because they care about us so much....
From March 1, the ADR 98/100 will be in effect. Essentially, it mandates that nearly all new vehicles sold in the country, regardless of their launch date, must come equipped with standard car-to-car autonomous emergency braking (AEB). AEB systems automatically apply the brakes if a collision is imminent, helping to reduce impact severity or prevent a crash altogether.
Mark my words fuhrer Trump will allow them to believe they have the power to openly protest his regime and it will encourage more to get out and dissent and when it hits peak chaos and disruption he will send in the jack boots to violently crush all dissent and no doubt it will accompany a decree of Martial Law...and of course the mindless Trumptards will all be cheering him on as he does it....because it's "owning the libs"...fucking idiots have no clue the state will eventually come for them too.
This is all paving the way for Trump to completely remove the judicial branch and replace them with his own justice system, the majority of Americans are completely clueless to what a coup de etat is...
They're all propagandist platforms anyway, even CNN is just controlled opposition, the orange fuhrer just putting it in Americans faces how he's going to completely control the narrative. He's got his tech bros up there with him now he's going to have his alt media bros like Joe Rogan and Alex Jones controlling the narrative and all the Trumpers are going to clap like mindless seals about it believing it to be a great thing....until the narrative changes and fucks them over too.
So now anybody outraged and speaking out about the genocide of Palestinians and the cold blooded slaughter of their children is going to be labelled as a "Hamas sympathizer"....fuck this orange cunt, I will never stop speaking out about this evil no matter how much they threaten me.
It's okay, when all these small farms go bankrupt Trump will move into nationalize them all and put Americans to work in return for their welfare payments. People think I'm joking.
The irony is most of these farmers voted for their own destruction...
And the trumptards just cheer him on....fucking idiots, every single one of them....he's clearing out anybody who will oppose him so he can take full power and be as corrupt as he likes.... (just read the comments from these fuckheads at the bottom of the article, seriously, a fucking brick has a higher IQ than these mentally challenged retards)
What the fuck did I just watch?'s so surreal to see them play this hostile takeover of the US government so openly attention to what he says @6:38 in reply to the reporter asking him if it's a hostile take over..."Americans voted for major government reform and that's what they are going to get"....we're here folks, shit is about to get real and it's going to escalate very rapidly ....and that poor little boy, imagine making a child that age stand there for half an hour, the child seemed drugged to me, what child that age never speaks and vocalizes all the time, poor little angel.
Elon Musk denied leading a "hostile takeover" of the US government and defended his cost-cutting plans as he made a surprise first appearance at the White House on Tuesday.
"The people voted for major government reform and that's what the people are going to get," he said. "That's what democracy is all about."
"I fully expect to be scrutinised," he added. "It's not like I think I can get away with something." Yeah right
Elon Musk denies 'hostile takeover' of government in surprise White House appearance
And how many of these farmers voted for dark MAGA, stupid fucking idiots now have to live with the repercussions of that decision...
Otherwise known as a completely fucking lawless country...
But it's for our safety folks because they care about us so much....
From March 1, the ADR 98/100 will be in effect. Essentially, it mandates that nearly all new vehicles sold in the country, regardless of their launch date, must come equipped with standard car-to-car autonomous emergency braking (AEB). AEB systems automatically apply the brakes if a collision is imminent, helping to reduce impact severity or prevent a crash altogether.
Americans should get used to more military patrolling the streets, just remember all it will take is one false flag.
The US is now officially a rogue state...
Mark my words fuhrer Trump will allow them to believe they have the power to openly protest his regime and it will encourage more to get out and dissent and when it hits peak chaos and disruption he will send in the jack boots to violently crush all dissent and no doubt it will accompany a decree of Martial Law...and of course the mindless Trumptards will all be cheering him on as he does it....because it's "owning the libs"...fucking idiots have no clue the state will eventually come for them too.
This is all paving the way for Trump to completely remove the judicial branch and replace them with his own justice system, the majority of Americans are completely clueless to what a coup de etat is...
They're all propagandist platforms anyway, even CNN is just controlled opposition, the orange fuhrer just putting it in Americans faces how he's going to completely control the narrative. He's got his tech bros up there with him now he's going to have his alt media bros like Joe Rogan and Alex Jones controlling the narrative and all the Trumpers are going to clap like mindless seals about it believing it to be a great thing....until the narrative changes and fucks them over too.
And it's only the beginning...
Like he gives a fuck, this cunt is going nowhere, the majority of Americans are still completely clueless to the fact they installed a dictator.
Trump is least popular newly-elected president for 80 years – for the second time
So now anybody outraged and speaking out about the genocide of Palestinians and the cold blooded slaughter of their children is going to be labelled as a "Hamas sympathizer"....fuck this orange cunt, I will never stop speaking out about this evil no matter how much they threaten me.
Unfortunately the evil fucks in control of my country are also setting the stage for this bullshit too.
This is breaking news as of yesterday.
It's okay, when all these small farms go bankrupt Trump will move into nationalize them all and put Americans to work in return for their welfare payments. People think I'm joking.
The irony is most of these farmers voted for their own destruction...
This is a coup and hostile takeover of the US, Americans are fucking oblivious to what's happening right in front of their faces...
And the trumptards just cheer him on....fucking idiots, every single one of them....he's clearing out anybody who will oppose him so he can take full power and be as corrupt as he likes.... (just read the comments from these fuckheads at the bottom of the article, seriously, a fucking brick has a higher IQ than these mentally challenged retards)
Notice how many times they keep repeating the "social media" aspect of this shooting, pay attention to that, it will all make sense in a few months...
I'm putting this here because Ai is not here to free us, it's here to enslave us further in their digital gulag....
President Donald Trump said he will expedite the construction of power plants for artificial intelligence through an emergency declaration.
Trump said the plants can use whatever fuel they want, including coal.
A picture says a 1000 words....all hail the orange fuhrer and his revolution of "common sense"....