Is anybody here a member of Zerohedge? So I've tried to join their Forum multiple times over the last couple of years and every time I'd post a comment it would go to "review" and after a few attempts I'd just say fuck it and not bother. So I decided to try again the other day because it's just got such a huge reach I can really get some info out there using this platform but again every time I post it goes to the moderation team and after two days they still haven't approved any of my comments. I am not saying anything too controversial, I mean some of the comments are next level and get approved no problems so what's going on? Why won't they allow me to comment? So my question is, am I on their radar and this is why they won't allow me to comment? ...or do you have to be a logged in member for a certain period of time before you are allowed to comment?
Wtf? Some of the comments are mad and they're approved! Maybe they set it up in a way to try to get you to buy a subscription so your comment definitely gets approved and seen?!
Yeh I don't know, something weird going on, could be about the subscription though they never approved my posts a couple of years ago when I first tried and that was before the subscription membership started. They can go fuck themselves, no doubt they are harvesting data and info on everybody commenting so maybe it's a good thing.
So I am used to posting comments on Youtube videos only to go back and see they've been deleted, however twice today when I click to post a comment it literally disappears in front of my eyes. I don't know what's going to happen next year but I do know one thing, 2025 is going to be fucked for censorship.
So sick of YouTube's bullshit. It still fucks around for me too. I don't get notifications at all on it so no idea if anyone responds to my comments unless I physically go and check later and by that time I've forgot where I left them or they are deleted. So yeah they're definitely ramping up the bullshit with censorship and it will be fucked in 2025. Cunts.
Watched this again recently too as I do every year, also one of my faves. I feel so blessed and I thank God for leading my path to you dear Dee and fellow student seekers. Indeed we are 'united in spirit and in heart'. Merry Christmas! ❤️✨
I was just listening to this song from my files and wanted to share as it touched me deeply.
Thank you sister, and I thank God for fellow seekers like you who are walking this path with me. Thank you for the music, I'm going to listen to it right now ❤️xo
Guys sorry if it takes me time to approve your posts or respond to your messages, unfortunately Wix doesn't actually let me know I've got messages and posts which need to be approved unless I log into the main Wix dashboard (and I rarely log in, probably once a month). If you message me or have a pending post that hasn't been approved for a few days please message me through the Noticeboard here and let me know.
Brilliant!! I could get the middle finger emoji when I used my mobile until recently but obviously they have restricted the mobile usage for everything and the computer/site emojis never had it. I will be saving this meme for future (over) use...thank you!! 😂
Fuck you Wix!!! I'm going to sound mad but I can't reply to your comments Dee, because Wix keeps taking me back to your Notre Dame post even though I'm not on that thread. I was trying to reply on the explosion at the Hague and they keep giving me this on my phone. Fuck you Wix you piece of shit!!!
Sorry I've to put this here. I'm not allowed to react or comment to any post or leave a reply - as you can see by the grey rectangle below. I was allowed to create a post here.
So I don't know if it's just me but my Youtube notifications have been really screwy for the past few days. It shows 10 notifications and then when I click to read them there is only one actual new reply but heaps of random replies to me from days ago in no particular order that I've already seen. Sometimes an old reply I've already seen will come up as a new notification multiple times....anyway just weird and I've never seen this before so just thought I'd mention it.
For about 3 months now, if someone replies to my comment I don't get a notification. I have to go back in to the comments section to check if there's a reply, if I remember to...
.....and what "hate speech" did I engage in, I replied to another commentor on this video about these paid shills that "They are an embarrassment to themselves and their Irish Ancestors" that's why this time I know it was that comment because it's the only one they removed from this video.
Guys just remember it is unrealistic to believe any platform has not being co-opted and compromised including this Wix website hosting platform. You can bet that they are watching my posts here and no doubt we will continue to experience "technical issues" that will progressively get worse. Unfortunately there is not much I can do to prevent this, these website hosting platforms while having less reach are at least our last bastion of free speech where we are not being outright censored.
We either use this opportunity to exercise our remaining freedom to speak out against the evil in control of our world now or we continue to remain silent in the hope it may protect us from what's approaching, it won't. It literally amounts to standing up and using what power you have left to push back against your enemies or just remaining quiet and living on your knees in the hope it grants you some safety from their insidious plans for us, it won't.
There will be a time, where each person who knew the truth but remained silent in the hopes of preserving an illusion of safety will come to regret that decision. Use the time you have now wisely and live like a lion not like a mouse, these are our tests and nobody said they were supposed to be easy.
GLN:15:8 ...The ultimate in goodness is to actively combat all the root causes of evil. ...
GLN:15:9 ...Those who pander to hypocrites or do not actively oppose them are also creatures of evil.
SOF:18:17 I know there is a path of evil. It is the way of weakness and cowardice, which leads to self-destruction. I will fight all forms of wickedness and evil, wherever I find them, and I know I cannot go manfully through life without opposition and struggle.
SOF:18:19 I promise to obey the code of manliness and to follow the paths of wisdom. My tongue will ever speak true and my hand do good. I know that just to do good is not sufficient, but I must attack evil. My duty is to oppose wicked men and their ways, and I will abide in peace with my brothers.
SOF:18:24 I will not hide my contempt for the workers of wickedness and servants of evil, and though they may be in the seats of the mighty, I will accord them no respect. I will never commend that which is wicked.
SOF:21:15 ... To do nothing is wrong, for men are told not to remain passive before the
face of evil.
MAN:20:4 They have failed because they have left to God the things which they, as God's overseers on Earth, should have accomplished. It is men in the mass who permit evil to flourish in their midst. Their woeful lamentations ascend to Heaven and call upon the heavenly hosts for aid, but better by far would it be were they to call upon their own resolution and fortitude and fight the good fight, to bring about the rule of right and justice.
MAN:20:7 If evil be established by the sword, then it is because the swords of the good have lacked strength and numbers. Those who petition The Great God for help must be sure they have lacked nothing in their own preparations. They must fight strength with strength, and where they lack numbers, then they must fight with subtlety, but above all else they must
fight. This is the law they have ignored, and their woebegotten lamentations are as a stench to The Most High.
Hey guys, I've decided to create a category where I can post all information pertaining to my channel and this website, ie: from now on when they put me on 24 hour bans I will post it here instead of Clown World...likewise, when they inevitably take down my channel, you'll hear about it in this category. I will also announce any issues or changes to the website here too and if anybody has tech issues with the website please post it here so I can bring it to the attention of the techs.
I also want to take a moment to say hello to all of you who visit the Forum daily, my website stats show me that we are getting approx 35 - 45 visitors to the Forum every day so even though you're not commenting and active I just wanted to say hello and acknowledge you. 💗
Is anybody here a member of Zerohedge? So I've tried to join their Forum multiple times over the last couple of years and every time I'd post a comment it would go to "review" and after a few attempts I'd just say fuck it and not bother. So I decided to try again the other day because it's just got such a huge reach I can really get some info out there using this platform but again every time I post it goes to the moderation team and after two days they still haven't approved any of my comments. I am not saying anything too controversial, I mean some of the comments are next level and get approved no problems so what's going on? Why won't they allow me to comment? So my question is, am I on their radar and this is why they won't allow me to comment? ...or do you have to be a logged in member for a certain period of time before you are allowed to comment?
So I am used to posting comments on Youtube videos only to go back and see they've been deleted, however twice today when I click to post a comment it literally disappears in front of my eyes. I don't know what's going to happen next year but I do know one thing, 2025 is going to be fucked for censorship.
Merry Christmas to you and yours sister 🤍😇 I hope 2025 brings you health and happiness 🙏🏼🤍
To all my friends and fellow seekers....Merry Christmas and all the best for 2025!
Guys sorry if it takes me time to approve your posts or respond to your messages, unfortunately Wix doesn't actually let me know I've got messages and posts which need to be approved unless I log into the main Wix dashboard (and I rarely log in, probably once a month). If you message me or have a pending post that hasn't been approved for a few days please message me through the Noticeboard here and let me know.
Had to come here and post this.
Fuck you Wix!!! I'm going to sound mad but I can't reply to your comments Dee, because Wix keeps taking me back to your Notre Dame post even though I'm not on that thread. I was trying to reply on the explosion at the Hague and they keep giving me this on my phone. Fuck you Wix you piece of shit!!!
Sorry I've to put this here. I'm not allowed to react or comment to any post or leave a reply - as you can see by the grey rectangle below. I was allowed to create a post here.
But yes this comment is a fucking gem!! 💎 😃
So I don't know if it's just me but my Youtube notifications have been really screwy for the past few days. It shows 10 notifications and then when I click to read them there is only one actual new reply but heaps of random replies to me from days ago in no particular order that I've already seen. Sometimes an old reply I've already seen will come up as a new notification multiple times....anyway just weird and I've never seen this before so just thought I'd mention it.
Another one........
.....and what "hate speech" did I engage in, I replied to another commentor on this video about these paid shills that "They are an embarrassment to themselves and their Irish Ancestors" that's why this time I know it was that comment because it's the only one they removed from this video.
.....hey Google, go kill yourselves cunts.
Guys just remember it is unrealistic to believe any platform has not being co-opted and compromised including this Wix website hosting platform. You can bet that they are watching my posts here and no doubt we will continue to experience "technical issues" that will progressively get worse. Unfortunately there is not much I can do to prevent this, these website hosting platforms while having less reach are at least our last bastion of free speech where we are not being outright censored.
We either use this opportunity to exercise our remaining freedom to speak out against the evil in control of our world now or we continue to remain silent in the hope it may protect us from what's approaching, it won't. It literally amounts to standing up and using what power you have left to push back against your enemies or just remaining quiet and living on your knees in the hope it grants you some safety from their insidious plans for us, it won't.
There will be a time, where each person who knew the truth but remained silent in the hopes of preserving an illusion of safety will come to regret that decision. Use the time you have now wisely and live like a lion not like a mouse, these are our tests and nobody said they were supposed to be easy.
There's been some issues accessing the Forum yesterday and today, if it happens again I will contact the tech dept.
Hey guys, I've decided to create a category where I can post all information pertaining to my channel and this website, ie: from now on when they put me on 24 hour bans I will post it here instead of Clown World...likewise, when they inevitably take down my channel, you'll hear about it in this category. I will also announce any issues or changes to the website here too and if anybody has tech issues with the website please post it here so I can bring it to the attention of the techs.
I also want to take a moment to say hello to all of you who visit the Forum daily, my website stats show me that we are getting approx 35 - 45 visitors to the Forum every day so even though you're not commenting and active I just wanted to say hello and acknowledge you. 💗