Can you remember the Daily Fail ever doing an article on a Palestinian father who lost his wife and children after being bombed by the Israeli government with US made weapons? Fucking bunch of hypocritical cunts!
This fuckhead Cuban is just another propagandist but he's right about Musk and this delusional belief that he allows free speech on Twitter, I was literally banned from Twitter two weeks after Musk took it over.
So they'll protest over the death of 6 people but they won't protest to stop the slaughter of 20,000 children...fucking hypocrites.
I know your afflictions and your poverty--yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. - Revelation 2:9
I highly recommend watching his talk, there is a reason they are revealing this information now using controlled opp shills like this guy Dr Robert Malone. They don't even care that we know what they are doing to us now because they know there's nothing we can do about it, in fact they want us to know what they've done and are doing to us because it's a way of mocking us. The video was uploaded two weeks ago and already has 1 million views. (Was recommended to me in my feed)
yah, they really love to throw it in our faces. And those who can see and point it out get mocked by those who cannot see. Not sure I can stomach listening to this fucktard but I will give it a go since you recommend it.
I thought the same but decided to listen to it, just literally confirmed everything we know they've been doing to us using social engineering via social media and tech and everything I have been warning about.
I don't know if you guys have noticed but there's a big target on social media right now, they are fully seeding the masses for what's coming next....complete censorship and nationalizing of all social media platforms.
All these articles are from this month (except the Nature study on mental illness which is from March):
Social media to blame for disinformation and deep fakes...thanks to Elon Musk serving his purpose and confirming why it was scripted that he take over Twitter...thanks cunt.
Social media to blame for the killing of people saying prayers....note the constant religious theme with these killings too.
The victims were relaxing after prayers at a mosque in Eskisehir, some 143 miles west of the capital, Ankara. The attack video, in which several men cry out after being stabbed from behind, was circulating on X on Tuesday.
Social media to blame for racism and sexism towards females in the Olympics:
In a later comment in a follow-up Instagram story, Jazmin Chiles specified that she was speaking of the racism behind the "vulgar and vile comments that are being made toward my sister," which she said included several racist slurs.
On the same day, Chiles announced on Instagram that she would be removing herself from social media for her mental health.
This is also setting the stage for the justification of locking up people for just sharing their opinion on social media, because they've been seeding the minds of the sheeps to believe that evil people use social media to be racist, hateful and murderous the masses have little sympathy or care for anybody accused of "hate speech" on social media.
People from ethnic backgrounds have said they believe their cancer diagnoses are being delayed due to a breakdown in communication across the health care system. Yes it's a belief because it's affecting others regardless of skin colour....
Absolutely ridiculous to try and claim the diagnosing of cancer is racist, and how well would the medical industry in the country of these immigrants diagnose and treat their cancer. Fucking whiners, come to European countries because their own useless corrupted governments have completely fucked up their countries and then whinge and complain about everything not being good enough for them.
Former chief superintendent of the Met Police, Dal Babu, told BBC Radio 4 the police actions were "appalling and unnecessary" and in his opinion racism played a part in the incident.
Yep they are using this as more fodder to stir up hate between Brits and Muslims....there's a planned demonstration for the 27th July so I can only imagine that this is going to add fuel to the fire and it's going to get ugly.
All part of their divide and conquer, this is about blaming all men for what a small percentage of them do. The majority of males are good men, they are our providers and our protectors and I have nothing but gratitude for the hard work and sacrifices they have made over the centuries for us as a society.
Guys is it just me or has the media literally gone radio silent on the LGBT community? These degenerates of our society have been allocated June as their "pride month"and usually we are force fed article after article about how special and important they are, companies come out with a range of rainbow products, change their logos to include the rainbow etc etc but other than the Jesuit shit stain doubling down on calling them faggots there's not one article on Google News about them.... I said previously in my video, the tables are turning:
I'm not saying they're still not pushing their agenda but it's clear to see the tables are turning and the media silence is confirming what I said in my video, their days are numbered. Before that time though they will ensure they destroy as many innocent children as possible.
Of course it does, how else will they continue to normalize degeneracy and immorality unless they have it readily available on social media platforms like Twitter, and would you expect them to use anybody else other than fuckwit and devil's champion Musk to implement the continued destruction of us as a society.
"“We believe that users should be able to create, distribute, and consume material related to sexual themes as long as it is consensually produced and distributed. Sexual expression, visual or written, can be a legitimate form of artistic expression,” X’s page on “adult content” policies reads."
Aye, a legitimate form of artistic expression if you're a deranged degenerate fuckwit
I was going to put this in clown world but they're clearly pushing this racism bullshit again 🤡
Three black men have filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against American Airlines, alleging that the carrier briefly removed them from a flight after a complaint about body odour.
The men, who were not seated together and did not know each other, say that every black man was removed from the 5 January flight from Phoenix, Arizona, to New York.
"American Airlines singled us out for being Black, embarrassed us, and humiliated us," the men said in a joint statement on Wednesday.
Doubt the findings of this study are accurate given the fact that the UK is a predominantly white race country (for now at least). Any excuse to get the boot in about the privilege of being a whitey ffs 🤡
Can you remember the Daily Fail ever doing an article on a Palestinian father who lost his wife and children after being bombed by the Israeli government with US made weapons? Fucking bunch of hypocritical cunts!
This fuckhead Cuban is just another propagandist but he's right about Musk and this delusional belief that he allows free speech on Twitter, I was literally banned from Twitter two weeks after Musk took it over.
So they'll protest over the death of 6 people but they won't protest to stop the slaughter of 20,000 children...fucking hypocrites.
I know your afflictions and your poverty--yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. - Revelation 2:9
I highly recommend watching his talk, there is a reason they are revealing this information now using controlled opp shills like this guy Dr Robert Malone. They don't even care that we know what they are doing to us now because they know there's nothing we can do about it, in fact they want us to know what they've done and are doing to us because it's a way of mocking us. The video was uploaded two weeks ago and already has 1 million views. (Was recommended to me in my feed)
PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order
It's only taken them ten years....
I don't know if you guys have noticed but there's a big target on social media right now, they are fully seeding the masses for what's coming next....complete censorship and nationalizing of all social media platforms.
All these articles are from this month (except the Nature study on mental illness which is from March):
Social media to blame for disinformation and deep fakes...thanks to Elon Musk serving his purpose and confirming why it was scripted that he take over Twitter...thanks cunt.
Social media to blame for the murder of children...
Social media to blame for the killing of people saying prayers....note the constant religious theme with these killings too.
The victims were relaxing after prayers at a mosque in Eskisehir, some 143 miles west of the capital, Ankara. The attack video, in which several men cry out after being stabbed from behind, was circulating on X on Tuesday.
Social media blamed for racism and rioting in the UK:
Social media to blame for racism and sexism towards females in the Olympics:
In a later comment in a follow-up Instagram story, Jazmin Chiles specified that she was speaking of the racism behind the "vulgar and vile comments that are being made toward my sister," which she said included several racist slurs.
On the same day, Chiles announced on Instagram that she would be removing herself from social media for her mental health.
Social media to blame for teenage mental illness:
This is also setting the stage for the justification of locking up people for just sharing their opinion on social media, because they've been seeding the minds of the sheeps to believe that evil people use social media to be racist, hateful and murderous the masses have little sympathy or care for anybody accused of "hate speech" on social media.
His opinion....🤔
Former chief superintendent of the Met Police, Dal Babu, told BBC Radio 4 the police actions were "appalling and unnecessary" and in his opinion racism played a part in the incident.
Something else being pushed in the media....
Woman hit with piece of mortar in racist attack
Racist graffiti investigated at five sites in Antrim
More racist discrimination bullshit
More bullshit from the BBC...
LGBT troops on Ukraine's front line fight homophobia at home
Guys is it just me or has the media literally gone radio silent on the LGBT community? These degenerates of our society have been allocated June as their "pride month"and usually we are force fed article after article about how special and important they are, companies come out with a range of rainbow products, change their logos to include the rainbow etc etc but other than the Jesuit shit stain doubling down on calling them faggots there's not one article on Google News about them.... I said previously in my video, the tables are turning:
Of course it does, how else will they continue to normalize degeneracy and immorality unless they have it readily available on social media platforms like Twitter, and would you expect them to use anybody else other than fuckwit and devil's champion Musk to implement the continued destruction of us as a society.
They really are going to town with discrimination lately....🎬
I was going to put this in clown world but they're clearly pushing this racism bullshit again 🤡
Three black men have filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against American Airlines, alleging that the carrier briefly removed them from a flight after a complaint about body odour.
The men, who were not seated together and did not know each other, say that every black man was removed from the 5 January flight from Phoenix, Arizona, to New York.
"American Airlines singled us out for being Black, embarrassed us, and humiliated us," the men said in a joint statement on Wednesday.
Doubt the findings of this study are accurate given the fact that the UK is a predominantly white race country (for now at least). Any excuse to get the boot in about the privilege of being a whitey ffs 🤡